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Designer Studio

Designer Studio gives development team members the tools and information they need to build and extend enterprise applications. It is available to users who specify Developer as one of the portals associated with their access group.


Getting started Application stack management Tools
Using Designer Studio features Using the Compliance Score tab Tracer
Creating applications Viewing checked out rules Clipboard
Importing rules, data, and Pega 7 instances Viewing recent changes to rules Referencing rules
Designer Studio explorers Viewing the ruleset stack Sibling rules
Parts of rule and data forms   Search
Configuring preferences Rule management Inspection Prefs
What is class hierarchy and inheritance? Creating Live UI
What is rule resolution? Checking out Log files
How are ruleset lists assembled? Checking in Performance
Using and merging branches Delegating Alerts


Creating branches  
Record organization Creating branch rulesets  
Records by category Merging